This weekend I ran the Bulldog 50K trail race in Malibu
California. I had signed up for this
race last year but was warned by my coach at the time that it would be too
difficult and I shouldn’t do it. This
year I had enough mileage as a base and was really excited to give it a go. Here is a little recap of how it went, my
thoughts on the trail and what I learned.
Start line: I lined up with about 500 others at the “start”
of the race which was a simple line across the road. I realized I didn’t get a timing chip and
started to panic! I asked another racer
about it and he said they didn’t give them out, they just use stop watches
etc. OK, that’s kinda weird, but at
least I’m not missing anything. A “Ready
Set Go” from the announcer and we were off!
Although I was passed by just about everyone I felt my pace was good and
was happy to be running. The racecourse
followed fire roads and some single track along creeks, hills, and river beds
and I was feeling good.
Mile 4-7.5: At mile 4 we hit the first aid station and I was
feeling great. It had been hilly but I
had been pushing through it and had been doing my best to jog the hills. I didn’t stop for anything at the aid station
and kept going straight into what seemed like a never ending hill. My breathing got a little harder and my legs
started to burn. A girl asked me if I
had done this race before and I told her no.
She then went on to say that I probably should not try to jog the hills
and I was wasting too much energy. Who
was this girl to critique my running and strategy!?? I was a little irritated
at her unsolicited advice, but about 50 feet later decided I would try her
method and started power walking the hills.
We turned corner after corner and I kept waiting to see a flat or
downhill section but it didn’t come. My calves
and hamstrings were on fire and I started having some negative thoughts. Who would design a stupid race like
this? Why do I sign up for these
things? Who do I think I am? I’m not a
runner! What am I thinking doing the ultra
beast, I’m going to drop out of that! While walking up the hill I texted my ride to
say it was going to take me at least an hour longer that I thought… if I didn’t
I had high goals coming into this race and when I had to
walk I realized those goals were not going to be met. The race was designed to be 2, 15 mile loops
with the option to drop out after the first loop. At this point about an hour into my race my
mind was set on dropping out after 15 miles.
There was no way I wanted to or could do this section again.
Mile 19-22: This was the uphill. This time it was different though. I didn’t
push myself as hard because I really didn’t like the pain I had felt on the
first lap. I walked fast, but wasn’t
struggling. I ate a few of my snacks and
decided to take a few pictures. I was
moving slow and still alone on the course and was really hoping to make the
next cut off. After at least 50 minutes
of hiking I saw a blue shirt in the distance and knew this section was almost
over. I was over the hump. The rest of my race was going to be
easy. I was happy and felt a sense of
energy. I was proud I hadn’t quit, and proud that I
had done this section again – however slow it may be.
Mile 22-28: At mile 22 there was an aid station. I felt good on water so didn’t get any. I ate a few pieces of salted potato and then
discovered my most favorite racing snack ever: the OTTER POP. I was offered a grape Otter Pop and although
I hadn’t eaten one of these for 20 years I happily accepted it. The frozen juice tasted so good and to hold
the frozen treat in my hand felt amazing.
My entire body felt cooled down and rejuvenated. What a genius of the race director to have
these as a snack… and who would have thought.
I continued on the race and began obsessing over Otter Pops. I wished I had gotten the cherry flavored
one as well. Would they have them at the
next aid station? I couldn’t wait! Although it was mostly downhill from here I
think the amount of time I had spent on the course began to take its toll on
me. I had been on course for at least 4.5
hours and it was now very hot. I still
ran as fast as I could but my memory seemed to fail me. I ran into uphill sections I hadn’t
remembered the first time around. The
shadow of the orange tape blowing in the wind started to look like snakes on the
trail. A crow cawed overhead and seemed
to circle me. I missed my Otter Pop and thought “what I
wouldn’t do for another one right now!”
I would have done 100 burpees at that point for another Otter pop. The course rolled up and down, more up than I
had remembered but at the downhill sections something great started to
happen. I started seeing people and I
was no longer alone on the course. I saw
people that I hadn’t seen for hours. I couldn’t
believe it but I began to catch people, and I began to pass people! I was so happy. At mile 22-26 I passed people for the first
time in the entire race! I passed at
least 8 people and this made me so proud.
As I got nearer to mile 28 I could hear fans cheering and I got excited. This race was almost done! I was happy.
Mile 28-31: I hit the aid station at mile 28 ate some
oranges. I didn’t refill my water
because the race was almost done and I thought I had some left. Between mile 28-31 the race was really exposed
and I was in direct sun. The trail was
dusty and I started getting really hot.
I was trying to push hard since I had so little mileage left and was
happy to be almost done. I sipped on my
camelback and heard the sound of air and water through the hose. I was out of water! Crap.
How stupid of me to not have refilled it! Oh well, nothing to do about it now but push
forward. I ran as fast as I could
through the next few miles and it seemed like it was taking forever. I was hoping to hear the voices of fans but
didn’t. Finally I saw the hallway point
I had passed at the previous lap and some volunteers recorded my bib number and
directed me forward. You’re almost
done. You’re almost done. You’re almost
done. I chanted this like a mantra and
my feet began to move faster. I followed
cone after cone around a parking lot, past a few trees and finally through the finish
line! I had done it! I had finished. I finished the last three miles fast and I
finished with a smile on my face. I was
so proud I did it and happy I didn’t quit.